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Although our website is open, and public viewing is welcomed, the site also includes a section for ESRA Members only. There you will find forums, training, promotional materials, management documents and other valuable information vital to the work we do.

Members pay no annual dues; there is no minimum number of hours a member must volunteer.  All members have to do is simply commit to providing support and assistance to ESRA whenever, wherever, and however possible and to always have the best interest of Springers everywhere at the heart of everything they do. 

Each new member must submit a unique application.  Please do not submit 1 application as a couple. Thank you!


Call or Fax Us: 844-DOG-ESRA (844-364-3772)

For specific contacts, click here. 

English Springer Rescue America, Inc.
1025 Rose Creek Drive, Suite 620-305

Woodstock, GA 30189
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